Cutter v Powell and Judicial InterpretationDescribe the principles of law related to the legal system, legal entities (in particular agents and partnerships), formation of contract and tort of negligence. QUESTION 1:(a)In the case of Cutter v Powell(1795), Captain Powell, engaged Lieutenant Cutter as part of his crew for a voyage from Jamaica to Liverpool. The contract stated that payment was due only on completion of the voyage, but the Lieuten...
The CaseThe Case Judy sighed as she looked at her cup of tea. "I really don't know what to do. I feel as though I can't win in this case and am tired of being put in the middle." She had invited her colleague Susan, another American, to meet her for tea to discuss her concerns about her present position. Susan looked her in the eyes. "You really can't worry about this. They can't expect you to play all of these roles simultaneous...
Questions: 1.According to Heath, some understand shareholder theory as “more realistic,” treating firms like self-interested individual market actors. What major issue(s) does this understanding miss? Why is this mistake important? 2.Explain the market failures approach to business ethics. What, according to Heath, makes business ethics a particular kind of ethics? Consider at least five possible practical implications of the approach for t...
After the completion of this assignment, learners will be able to:a.Identify, explain and apply the relevant contract law principles to apply toareal-lifeencounter involving contracts. b.Apply legal methods to answer the contract example in daily life efficiently.c.Derive appropriate conclusions for the legal issues presented in the contract example effectively. 3.RequirementsLearners are required to apply the legal concepts acquired in this modu...
Background and OverviewTask: Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup has hit the market and become a huge success with the burgeoning integrative medicine demographic. Per your advice, Fred has patented his famous concoction and trademarked the Fred’s Miracle Cough Syrup name and logo. Demand is so high that Fred and Sally are working full-time on the business. Their children, Sam and Lilly, and their respective spouses, Jane and Tim, have joine...
Task: Joe, a concert pianist, was walking down the street when he was struck by Harry, a skateboarder, knocking him down and crushing his hand. When Joe sued Harry for his negligence, claiming the loss of income from his profession (he could never play piano again), Harry countered with the defence that there is no way he could have anticipated that the person he was going to hit was a concert pianist. 1. Was Harry negligent? Identify and descri...
Directors' Liability: Insolvency and Recovery of DebtQuestion 1 (a) BST Pte Ltd was having trouble paying its creditors. In order to make one last effort to “save” the company, the directors purchased a large order of inventory hoping that it would generate extra income to repay the creditors. Unfortunately, the company is being wound up due to insolvency. The liquidator wants to recover from the directors the debt due from the ...
Negligence and Legal LiabilityJoe, a concertpianist, was walking down the street when he was struck by Harry, a skateboarder, knocking him down and crushing his hand. When Joe sued Harry for his negligence, claiming the loss of income from his profession (he could never play piano again), Harry countered with the defence that there is no way he could have anticipated that the person he was going to hit was a concert pianist. 1.Was Harry negligen...
Legal position of parties in contractual disputes governed by agency law1. Grant got a job with Ace Computers Co. (“Ace”) as a salesman. He was given a course in salesmanship by Ace, business cards, several of the company's order forms, and brochures, and was assigned to an area in which to sell computers door-to-door on behalf of Ace. Grant would be paid on a commission basis. At his first house, he was so excited by the interest sh...
Referencing your current employer (or a past-employer if you are not currently employed), consider and respond to the following: 1. Do they have a Code of Ethics?If they do:• Is it documented?• How is it enacted (or not) to become a part of the organizational culture?If they do not:• In your opinion, do organizational leaders follow an unwritten code?• How does the unwritten code manifest itself (or not) as a part of the...
BackgroundCase Study FT is a leading commodity trading company headquartered in Singapore. SL is a company that processes, packs and sells soybeans from over 20 farms across Australia. FT purchased 100 metric tons of “Australian grown non-GMO (non-Genetically Modified) soybeans” from SL. The purchase was made under a CIF contract, goods to be shipped to Hong Kong from Port Kembla, New South Wales, Australia, late...
Background InformationQuestion 1 Sonny Chu is a university student majoring in entrepreneurship and international business. Two years ago, while on a student exchange program in China, Sonny came up with an idea for an Internet business. In China, Sonny had been able to purchase tailor-made silk suits for $250 to $400. The equivalent suits cost $1500 to $1800 in Canada. Sonny believed that he could offer the tailor-made silk suits to Canadians ...
Part 3 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017Cooper is a keto baker. He uses a lot of Ketopia protein powder in his cooking and buys it in bulk straight from the manufacturer, Ketopia Ltd.On Thursday 15 October 2020, Cooper visits Ketopia Ltd and places an order for 10 kg of Ketopia protein powder, to be delivered in a 10-kg tub. On Friday 16 October, Sabrina, the manager of the storeroom, calculates how much Ketopia protein powder Ketopia ...
Learning Outcomes Assessed by AssessmentThe Learning Outcomes assessed by this assessment are: 2. Use online databases for legal research. (DP) 3. Reference, footnote, understand and explain the meaning of plagiarism and collusion. (SID) (COI) 4. Devise a suitable research strategy. (CID) 5. Plan and structure an answer to a legal problem. (DP) (COI) Subject-based practical skills 6. Read legal materials efficiently and effectively. (CC...
Question 1BUS201 Copyright © 2020 Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)Page 3 of 6 Timed Online Assignment – January Semester 2020You must answer ALL the questions. (Total 100 marks)Note to Students: Remember to support your analysis with reasons, case law and/orstatutory provisions (where applicable).Question 1Benjamin had just obtained the keys to his new flat, and he wanted to engage a contractor who could help him with th...