SECTION 1: George's mother, Loretta, is not particularly fond of her son's fiance, Amal, and does not have a lot of confidence that George's marriage to Amal will last. Loretta thinks that Amal is marrying George for all the wrong reasons. Amal tells everyone that she loves George deeply and is looking forward to spending the rest of her life with him and having a bunch of children together. The couple married on ...
The parameters for the memo outline are the following: A. Issues · List the issues in a numbered list B. Brief Answer · Answer each issue with a “yes” or “no.” The brief answer must be written in complete sentences. C. Law · Provide the case name, citation, and ratio for each case you are using. · Provide the statute/regulation, citation, ...
Question: The Project is the outcome of independent legal research conducted in an area of your own choosing. Successful completion of the project demonstrates Masters level achievement and distinguishes the LLM from the postgraduate diploma that you will be eligible...
Question 1Danco Ltd sells software to the food production industry. Smith was employed by Danco but left Danco and commenced employment with a competitor. Before he left Danco, he copied lists containing details of the version of Danco software each customer was using. Is the information contained in the lists confidential or employee know-how of Smith? A children's book was produced featuring fictitious characters called &lsqu...
This assignment requires you to locate, read and summarize a judgement of the Federal Court of Canada. The case which is the focus of the assignment is Twins v. Canada (Attorney-General) 2016 FC 537; you will need to go to the Federal Court of Canada website, locate the decision, read and summarize it using the ‘Case Summary Template’ posted on CULearn. Be sure to read the entire case carefully, do not rely ...
Scenario 1: Rescinding a contractRead the following scenarios, and answer all the questions. Where appropriate, support your answers with relevant case law and/or statute. Some research on the relevant laws is necessary. Each question carries 10 marks, 30 marks in total. The total word count for all questions should not exceed 1500 words. 1) In January this year, he entered into negotiations with Philip, a car dealer, for the sa...
Personal Injury ClaimsA.Mason, Ying and Kenny are international students studying for a Hospitality and Tourism degree in Sydney. They are keen beachgoers and having never been to Australia before, depart from Sydney during the semester study break and travel west, visiting many major beaches along the way. However, things do not go to plan…. When they arrive in Adelaide they head to Glenelg and excitedly head into the water. Mason dec...
Question: Outstanding choices in which data to use and how. Outstandingly thorough and rigorous analysis of data. Outstanding justification for choice of country to enter Outstanding evaluation of the choice of market entry mode with justification Clear and appropriate recommendations given for a target audience and product strategy. Outstanding originality of thought, using a critical approach and external sources to develop recommendatio...
The role of mediation is an important one but has often been overlooked in the health and safety space. Using the Pike River Coal Mine Disaster as a case study, discussed how conflict resolution could have been used to address the critical safety issues. · The format should be a report, i.e. introduction, headings, conclusion, NO executive summary. · Draw on the literature to concentrate on two or more fundamental sa...
Question: 1Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding: ·Demonstrate broad knowledge and understanding of key areas of business law. 2Demonstrate the following skills and abilities: ·Utilise primary and secondary legal sources to demonstrate problem solving skills in a legal context. What am I required to do in this assignment? There are three parts to this assessment and all are equally weighted constituting 100%...
Case OneCase One Three information technology students, Mary, Albert, and Victoria, neededto earn money while attending college. Because of their area of study, theyfelt that they were knowledgeable about computers. They had somecontacts in the computer industry and decided to arrange for an informationtechnology show at the college to show new equipment and programs.They rented a room at the college and obtained local merchants who wouldshow ...
ObjectivesOBJECTIVES 1. Students will become familiar with the process of identifying legal issues in case factscenarios. 2. Students will develop skills to research secondary sources of law. 3. Students will apply relevant legal principles to two different fact situations. ASSIGNMENT 1. Students will review the following law problem scenarios and will then develop anoutline setting out all of the legal issues that arise in one of the ...
PurposeBUSINESS LAW REFLECTIVE ARTICLE/CASE ASSIGNMENT 1 PROFESSOR: Floyd Hardy-Henry DUE DATE: Midnight Friday, March 27, 2020. PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to develop students’ understanding of significant issues in Canadian business law. Students will select and analyze one current article or case on an important topic in the topic area of Agency&/or Different Business Forms. SELECTION OF ARTICLE/CASE Students are requi...
Element 1: Mutual AgreementMr. and Mrs. Pinkman, are the fee owners of a three story home located at 9809 Margo Avenue,SmallTown, Ontario. The Pinkmans love this home dearly, but they are hoping to retire in the comingyear and the proceeds from this sale can help them create a comfortable nest egg to ease the transitioninto retirement. Over the last year, the Pinkmans have spent most of their life savings on extensiverenovations to the home, in ...
Part 1: Summary of what you observedPrepare a written report to be handed in following the format below (you can use any layoutyou like, as long as you address as many points as you can). Page 1 of 2Page 2 of 2 Part 1 should be a summary of what you observed, including: ? Citation of the case (including the link of the video you observed). ? Name of the Parties ? Place of Trial or Hearing ? Date of Trial or Hearing ? Courtroom numb...